Monday, September 19, 2011

Pruning Trees

By Mary Jo Baur

Now is a good time to prune deciduous trees that would bleed sap if trimmed in the spring, such as maples or birches.  The first thing to prune out would be any dead or damaged wood.  Continue to take out any branches that cross or rub against other branches.  Finally, think about pruning just for the general overall shape of the tree.  I would leave pruning large trees to the professionals.

You could take some of the prunings and bring them inside to use in a fall arragement.  Consider combining them with goldenrod and fall asters.  You may find some red berries or rose hips if you take a nature walk.  The seedheads of ornamental grasses can be used as fillers to complete your design.  Just because summer flowers are done blooming doesn't mean there isn't plant material worthy of including in a bouquet.

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