By Mary Jo Baur
The cooler weather has arrived. I've been away for a few days, but things in the garden look fine. At this time of year, plants don't get dried out and need as much water as in the height of the summer. That makes this an ideal time to do some planting of perennials. The soil is still warm, but the temperature of the air is mild. If you plan to divide some perennials, you can share with friends, members of your garden club, or nearby neighbors. But do let them know what exactly you are gifting them with, how it grows, whether they should plant in sun or shade, and what time of year to expect blooms. It may also help them to decide where to plant it if they know what color and shape the flowers will be.
If you divide your plants and just move them to another spot in your own garden, be sure to amend the soil with some compost and perhaps add a bit of fertilizer. You want to give them a good start in their new location. Be sure to water them in well. Keep an eye on them and water as needed if they look droopy or dry. When plants have more room they will probably flower better for you next year.
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